
Wednesday 18 July 2012

Are you well balanced?

Do you ever feel that you are running a hamster wheel one day to the next?  Do you struggle with finding balance in your life? 
I think we all do in one way or another.  I struggle with feeling like I am doing enough.  Am I spending enough time in the word, am I spending enough time with the Lord throughout the day, am I spending enough time working vs. rest time, am I spending enough time with family and friends.  It's hard to measure things like that.  I guess I'm a visual person who likes to see results and these are some things that are hard to see tangible results. 
Sometimes we just need to take a step back and evaluate our situation and answer some of those tough questions.  Lately I have been going by my 'peace' meter I like to call it.  Do I have peace about that?  Finding peace is critical to our own success.  Peace to go through the day knowing that we are right where we are supposed to be doing what we are doing today. 
Don't go about your day just doing or working to pay the bills or live a life of luxury.  Everything you need is in Him.  Seek Him first and carry Him with you in your back pocket and He will guide you to peacefulness and more luxury than you could have ever imagined.  Evaluate your situation and see where you need to find more balance.  Without will fall over!

Matthew 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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